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Form Auto Reply Emails
By Kim Dixon, MyPhotoApp Training Guru
Created: November 8, 2015, 7:29 pm UTC Last updated: February 17, 2019, 8:43 pm UTC
When you create a form, you can have MyPhotoApp automatically send an email to the person once it has been completed. This is particular useful if you are running a lead generation using your app as a landing page and offering a lead magnet like a style magazine in return for contact information.
To add an email reply, the form needs an email input field. When you add that input field, select the Send reply email to this address option so that MyPhotoApp knows this is the email address that the replay should be sent to.
Next, add a Client Reply Email field. This is where you type in the email response. Since this is a markdown field, you can make your replies pretty with bold and other formatting features.
To personalize the reply, you can insert form fields into the reply. You do so by using the syntax {xxx} where xxx is the name of the input field.
For example, if you have a field named F1 where the user types in their name, then in the reply, you could have something like:
Dear {f1},
Thank you for submitting the form.
Regards, Kim
Finally, if you want these emails to come from you instead of MyPhotoApp, you will need to either setup a Postmark account or add email credentials to the CRM module. Here is info on how to do that.
When they submit the form they will receive the client reply email you have created, if you have choseen to send it using the CRM settings it will be formatted with the setting you made,