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New Domain & Website Hosting

By Kim Dixon, MyPhotoApp Training Guru

Created: January 17, 2017, 7:17 pm UTC
Last updated: May 18, 2021, 9:00 pm UTC

By default, the Apps you create will contain the MyPhotoApp URL prefix and your MyPhotoApp Brand name followed by the App name and look like this:

You can easily White label the Apps you create with MyPhotoApp all you need to do is secure a new domain URL and set up a new MyPhotoApp Brand and a Custom URL using the domain.  MyPhotoApp can then host your website by creating an Index App and all your new apps in the white labelled brand will use your domain name and look like this:

This is great for branding your new site or creating mini niche websites that can be the start of your marketing sales funnel or for a specific domain that covers a particular aspect of your business to host your Apps.  It has never been easier to get a vanity URL up and running.   

First Create A New Brand For Your Custom URL

The first thing you need to do is set up a new Brand for your Custom URL, this makes life much easier and ensures that your old apps in any existing Brands will continue to work without any issues after switching to a Custom URL.  If you haven't yet created any Apps in the Brand you want to apply the Custom URL to you or they are just test apps you can republish you can go ahead and use that Brand instead and skip this step.

Make sure that you using the HTTPS version of the MyPhotoApp builder: if not just log out and switch to the HTTPS builder URL and log in again.   Click on the setup tab and then the Add New Brand tab to create a New Brand to host your website,  You can give the New Brand any name that makes sense to you, but usually, people select their Domain name as the MyPhotApp Brand name will not be included in your App URLs after setting up the custom URL.  Since my website is, I will enter xxx.

Now you are ready to start setting up your custom URL in a 3 simple steps:


1.  Go to your domain provider and purchase your new domain or choose the domain you wish to use for MyPhotoApp. I use  I'm going to use the domain, in my example below. 

2.  Once you have purchased the domain you want to use, you need to go to the domain settings and edit your DNS Zone file and change the @ record so it points to the MyPhotoApp server by entering the following IP address: Here is an example of what it should look like:   
This screenshot is from GoDaddy.   It seems like all Domain providers present the information a little bit differently.   If this is a brand new domain and you don't have a @ record, you may need to create one or park your domain first. You should check out your domain providers help files to find out how to edit your DNS @ record. 

Once you have edited your DNS record and pointed it to the MyPhotoApp IP address and saved it, your website ( should be pointing to the MyPhotoApp server.  It may happen almost instantly or it can take a little while for your changes to be applied. 

3.  If you also want to work with your Custom URL you will also need to set up a CNAME record like this for it: 



Now you are ready to add your Custom URL to your MyPhotoApp Brand.  Make sure your new Brand or the unused Brand you wish to use for your Custom URL is selected from the Brand drop-down list. 

1. Select the Setup Tab and then the Custom URL tab enter the complete URL for your the domain you are using for the custom URL including with https:// element so it will look like this:


Once you have double checked your domain URL Click the "verify and save custom URL" button. If you get an error message that said it wasn't set up correctly, please wait up to 30 minutes and try again. It can take a while for a new Domain Name to propagate across the internet after you update the DNS settings.  

Finalize Your Custom URL 

If you have also set up a www record you will need to send an email to and ask that your record for MyPhotoApp be activated.  You might also want to request that your new brand be set as your default brand and be moved to the top of your brand list at the same time to make it easier to select.  

Set Up Your Website

To set up your website go to the builder tab and create an app called index this is the default app for your brand so when people enter the index app will be displayed.     It's also a good idea to make your index app public so it will be discoverable on the internet, to do so right-click on the index app and then click make app index public from the menu list. 

Once you have made the app public republish it, from now on it will appear with an eye symbol next to it in the app navigator.

That's it your new Custom URL is set up and in future when you create an app the URL for that app will be custom branded to your URL followed by the App name as the brand name is not included so it will look something like this

Note: If you have updated an existing custom URL to take advantage of the new included SSL the old HTTP App URLs should continue to work even if you later republish those Apps.