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Copyright Section

By Kim Dixon, MyPhotoApp Training Guru

Created: November 4, 2017, 6:12 pm UTC
Last updated: February 10, 2019, 5:23 pm UTC

A copyright section is included in the MPA default template. It consists of a text section with the basic copyright syntax and the current year already entered for you.  

You can update the copyright information by clicking on the settings cog and adding your business name  together with any other text you want to include and click save to update the copyright section for that app.  your changes to the default template so it will be used in all future new Apps. Start by creating a new App, click on the Settings Cog next to the copyright section in the Layout Sections Area to edit the information. You can now add or amend the information as you like and choose alternative formatting from the options available on the text section toolbar.  

Make any additional changes to the sections you want to include in your new default template and then click on save as template and select save as default template

If you want to add this change to the default template click Save as Template and then Save As Default Template to update it with the new copyright information. 

If you want to do more and create a footer section for your app you can replace the copyright section with another section such as a markdown or document section or combination of sections using groups or columns.  you could also use a content section to create  a more interactive footer section.