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How To Update Your Existing HTTP Custom URL to HTTPS

By Kim Dixon, MyPhotoApp Training Guru

Created: May 18, 2021, 10:20 pm UTC
Last updated: May 18, 2021, 11:12 pm UTC

HTTPS for Custom URL's Post May 15th 2021

Previously  ALL custom URLS used HTTP by default and HTTPS for custom URLs required you to supply an SSL certificate to be used with your MyPhotApp account.  

From 15th May 2020 SSL is now automatically included with your MyPhotoApp subscription and you will no longer need to provide SSL certificates.   When you add a new Custom URL to a Brand via the SETUP TAB and Custom URL option following the new instructions the builder will now automatically apply HTTPS to Apps created in that Brand.   

If you have previously set up a Custom URL prior to May 2021 when HTTPS was not automatically included you will need to update your Custom URL to the new HTTPS settings. You do this by amending the DNS settings or IP address to the new MyPhotoApp SSL settings and reverifying your custom URL. Your old apps will continue to work without any issues as you are NOT changing the Custom URL format simply adding the HTTPS to it.

To update your Custom URL to HTTPS you will need to make changes to your Domain or Subdomain DNS settings as follows:

If you have used a Subdomain CNAME  for the Custom URL

Because you have already set up the Custom URL you do not need to create a NEW CNAME record! You merely need to edit the settings for the CNAME record you previously created

1. Go to your Domain name provider and locate the CNAME record you previously created for the Custom URL you wish to update. Choose Edit settings and change them so that the record is pointed to  instead of the previous and save the changes. This will cause the Subdomain to be resolved to go to the MyPhotoApp HTTPS server instead of the previous HTTP one.

2.  Log in to the HTTPS MyPhotoApp builder and select the Brand that has the Custom URL you wish to update. Click on the Set Up Tab and then Custom URL and under Step 2 you will see your current custom URL for the subdomain, if your subdomain CNAME  is apps it will look like this:

Click in the box in the Custom URL box in front of the text and add the prefix https:// at the front of your custom URL.

3.  Double check the details and then click on the Verify and Save Custom URL button to apply the changes. You should get a confirmation that it has been verified. If you get an error message it may be because your Domain provider has not yet finished applying the changes you made so just wait half an hour and try again.  If it is still not verifying check that you have not made a typo and that the changes you made with your domain provider to the Subdomain record have been saved and are correct. 

You will notice that ALL your apps now have the HTTPS prefix in the App URL.  Existing Apps will all continue to work using the previous HTTP URL which will now be displayed as HTTPS.   To use the HTTPS URL simply republish all your apps by clicking on the Apps Tab in the builder and then on the Republish all apps Button/ 

If you have used the Domain name for the custom URL

If you used a dedicated Domain for your Custom URL you will need to make changes to the DNS record and the IP address that points your domain to the MyPhotoApp server.