When you have finished choosing your settings click Save to close and apply the changes or the ‘X’ at the top right to cancel and close without applying any changes.


Choose A Photo For The App Icon

By default, the first image in the Gallery is selected as the App Icon, this is the image displayed on the Icon when it is downloaded onto a mobile device or added as a link in a Facebook Post like this. The text displayed will be whatever you have entered in the layout settings SEO text section for that App.  You can test how an app will look on Facebook by posting it on your timeline for you only. 

If you'd prefer to use a different image just drag it over from the Visual Design area to the App Icon. You can then use the resizing handles to resize and position the selection box as in the example below.


TIP: You can choose to have an image for the App Icon that isn't included in the gallery by clicking the jpg upload button below the App icon and uploading a different file. You can also delete photos direct from the Gallery in the Visual Designer by dragging them to the Photo Trash on the right-hand side.