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How do I add spacing above or below a section?

By Kim Dixon, MyPhotoApp Training Guru

Created: November 11, 2015, 5:35 pm UTC
Last updated: February 17, 2019, 5:38 pm UTC

You can add spacing around your sections using a combination of the new Section padding option, found in the new and updated App sections and section margins. 

Click on the settings cog for the section you want to add space to and open the Settings menu. 

Section Margins allow you to  increase the amount of App background that is displayed around  the content of a section. The Section margins can be found on the Other Settings Tab

In this example both vertical and horizontal section margins have been added, this  has increased the amount of white App background visible around the primary button section which has a cream custom section background set.

Section Padding  is found on the Settings tab adding padding will increase the amount of space around the section Content.

Click on the Settings Tab and increase the Padding until you are happy with the result in the preview area.  If you have added a custom section background color, as in this example below it is easier to see the change in the preview area. Otherwise not you will notice the change more once you saved your change  in the visual design.

Here is what a primary button with a custom image looks like in the visual design without any margin or padding added:

This is what it looks like with just padding added

This is what it looks like with just margins added:

And this is with both Margins and Padding added:

NOTE: A few of the older section only have the option to add margins