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Terms Of Service

By Jim Cook, MyPhotoApp Inventor

Created: December 10, 2015, 4:33 am UTC
Last updated: December 10, 2015, 4:38 am UTC

Terms Of Service

Here are our simple terms of service... basically you be good and not do anything malicious and we will strive to provide an amazing service.

  • We will host your apps on a best effort basis.  You understand that your apps have the possibility of being lost and you have the responsibility to backup your stuff. 
  • You agree to notify us if you are creating an app that could generate thousands of views over a short period of time.  While we expect the system to be able to handle it...easily.  We want to be aware to ensure that there will not be any issues that could affect other customers.
  • You agree to not create apps that are unlawful... including and not limited to using other people's copyrighted works without their permission.
  • You agree that our total liability against and any all damages are not to exceed the total of your last payment for service. 
  • You agree that we can terminate your service at any time for any reason and we will refund your last payment. 
  • We agree to give you a complete refund within 30 days upon initiation of service should you be dissatisfied. After 30 days, cancellation would fall under our cancel at any time policy.   Search the knowledge base for the policy.
  • These terms of service can be changed at any time without notice and it is your responsibility to review them periodically.

See.. our TOS is simple to understand and read.  To date, we have yet to terminate anyone for any reason.  Let's keep the good karma going!