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Why can't I Access The MyPhotoApp Builder?

By Kim Dixon, MyPhotoApp Training Guru

Created: June 25, 2018, 11:05 pm UTC
Last updated: February 16, 2019, 6:14 pm UTC

From time to time Anti-virus software and some browser updates may treat some websites as potential security risks  or adware when previously there was no problem.  If you get a security warning when trying to access  the builder you may need to configure your firewall settings and add  to the list of trusted sites.   

You may also find it beneficial to switch to using version of the MyPhotoApp builder. 

This recently happened  with the latest version of Kaspersky Antivirus  treating MyPhotoApp as an adware software and depending on your security settings it may have blocked the MPA builder.   

If you are running Kaspersky antivirus and have difficulty accessing the builder the solution is to add as a trusted site in Kaspersky firewall settings.